Stay Connected With Me

Hey look.  Twitter feeds and stuff down there.  You should click them!


Gooooo Zeo!

I've had a Zeonizer for almost 2 years now. Picked it up at a convention. Finally made a video with it! My resolution is to make a collab a month on YouTube this year, and this is the first one!


I interviewed a monster!

I've interviewed tons of Power Rangers before, but this is the first time I actually interviewed one of the monsters from the show!


Fanfilm Takes Overshadows Saban's Power Rangers

Woah, I haven't googled the term "Power Rangers" in awhile and it's crazy how much this week's fanfilm, Power/Rangers (NSFW), has taken over. I love it as a fan film expression and satire, but it's crazy how it overshadows the actual Saban Power Rangers. It's very easy to find the wrong thing and it messes with brand awareness, so I can understand them filing a claim and taking it offline.
I've said before in my post on Hyperdrive (embedded below) that hopefully this forces Saban to up their game so they can be the top result again.  In my mind that entails continuing to put out better episodes like Dino Charge's, releasing more episodes to keep the seasons in mind for a general audience, and doing their own work to bring older audiences back to the show. Most of the people sharing this haven't kept up with the show like I have.
Despite their improvements this season, Saban has a history of doing the bare minimum to put out a show and the fact that an indie fan film can generate more buzz than their current season shows that gaping flaw in their business plan.  We have the Power Force to report the show to fellow fans now and Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers has been getting into mainstream pop culture again for years now, but current Power Rangers seasons still don't get reported by broadcast news, Deadline Hollywood, or even nerdy news sites like IGN like this did.  I watched a news story on ABC about Power Rangers last night thanks to this!  Right after a story about a couple llamas and a magic dress, of course.  Saban only bothers spending his own money to market it to kids and now it has the stigma of "that's JUST a kids show," that the media doesn't bother reporting on.  And most adults don't care to look it up the same way I wouldn't care to see what's on the Disney Channel these days.  They feel it doesn't apply to them.  But, just like many continuing franchises today, if you grew up with Power Rangers you kinda wish you could have a more digestable version for your older self.  If there's an adult demand for Power Rangers content, Saban would be smart to fill it so they can control their brand more and keep the more taboo ideas out of it.
You know what would make headlines to top these after the trend subsides? Bringing Austin St. John back for a Dino Charge special. Very headline worthy. Or a positive development on the new movie.  People are already going to compare their movie with the fanfilm.  If it flops it'll really hurt their chances with older audiences and I'm already afraind this fanfilm took the production process more seriously than the official movie will.  Ball's in your court, Saban.
My initial thoughts on the film in video form below: